All things being equal, with the cold weather just around the corner my Psoriasis should be getting worse. The fact that it is November and my skin is actually in good shape is not a coincidence. I may be one of the lucky few, but I have also worked my ass off to get here! My ‘treatment’ has lowered my inflammation, boosted my internal strength and given me a more cheerful disposition. The side effects have only been positive and I wish more people, both young and old could learn from my experience and what finally led me to clean(er) eating.
I belong to a number of Psoriasis Facebook groups, which essentially function as global information sharing networks for the millions of us suffering with this disease. While I take away a lot of valuable information, to be totally honest, it’s more of a moral obligation for me to participate than anything else. I want to share how eating clean has worked for me.
The vast majority of people in these groups have gone from a Psoriasis diagnosis to seriously considering or actually being on a series of oral and topical medications to combat the disease. They have gone from the letter ‘A’ and skipped all the way to ‘Z’ forgetting about the letters in between. Sometimes people looking for an immediate fix experience side effects that are worse than what they are already dealing with.
I know of teenage boys and girls who suffer with Psoriasis, Eczema, Arthritis and Acne. They turn to something that will clear up their skin and offer pain relief ‘now’. I totally get it. That is exactly what happened to me.
I too was a teenager, suffering with over half my body covered in Psoriasis. I turned to Methotrexate. Around the same time I also started to break out in acne. I was suffering emotionally and physically so my doctors prescribed Accutane, an acne treatment. I have felt the side effects of oral medications. Even if mine were pretty minor in the grand scheme of things.
Yesterday, I read something on one of the Facebook groups I’m in that was posted by a female in her mid-twenties suffering from Psoriasis: “So depressed. In so much joint pain. So done with my body/this life”.
That is the exact quote.
This young woman is suffering with a disease I have (somewhat) concurred, and that is why I feel it is necessary to belong to these groups. I just want to help and share what has and continues to work for me. While I comment from time to time about how the elimination of sugar, dairy, and gluten has controlled my Psoriasis, for every 99 of 100 members I sound like a ‘snake oil’ salesman peddling bogus remedies. The fact that I have healed my skin from the inside out using natural remedies is something that is totally foreign to most. And because of this, I might also be painted as a ‘self-promoter’ which would mean removal from the group.
I just wish I could spread my story to the masses.
side effects
Whether writing about food or the treatment of Psoriasis or any other auto immune disease, I always say the same thing; you have to do what works for you and your family. There is no right or wrong.
When I moved to Florida to attend culinary school, I was unable to get adequate health insurance because of my ‘pre-existing disease’ and ‘effects of previously prescribed medications’. It was essentially because of the Methotrexate I had taken in my teens. But looking back I would not have changed a thing. My self esteem was very important as is everyone’s at that (and every) age. So at that time in my life the decision was right for me.
Sometimes serious medications are necessary. But why not explore some natural remedies first, or at the very least, make yourself aware of those options so you can make a more informed decision.
In addition to the removal of refined sugar, dairy and gluten, I also removed nightshade vegetables and started taking vitamins and CBD oil. I also began using essential oils to help manage my stress and absolutely all of it has helped.
So, as the sun sets on fall and we start to see both snow and Psoriasis flakes, please remember that I am here. I’m here to help however I can. Whether it is your mom or dad, aunt or uncle, sister or brother, daughter or son, neighbour or cousin. I am here to talk about your health and relay any information I have to help you feel and look better, from the inside out.
No one should suffer with this disease and nobody should ever feel like that young Psoriatic woman felt; ‘tired of her life’. It can get better.
In good health,
– Chef Jordan